


This is a well-known and publicized statistic. And it's true! About 90-95% of the traders lose money on Forex, especially beginners. The reasons are manifold: greed, lack of Forex education, no consistent Forex system or strategy. Usually no more complicated than going to Las Vegas all excited with some cash in your pocket and little common sense or skill in your head! The casino wins. You lose.
 So why, when the odds seem against you, does Forex still attract so many new traders every day?
 Because most  people trust in their good fortune and are willing to take the chance for fast profits. But the veteran, experienced Forex trader does not compare himself with a gambler nor a Las Vegas casino person. For the experienced trader it's an art, skill and patience.

Allow me to introduce my latest and best Forex software created to help you make money through Forex faster, totally automated, working 24 hours a day, trading as you relax or rest. It is designed mainly for FX aficionados who have at least basic knowledge about Forex and have been trading already. Of course those who never traded before can buy it and with some instructions, use it perfectly as well.
There are some Forex trading Robots on the market – they usually sell for $100-$200 – and you will see them advertised all over the net nowadays... However, most automated Forex systems still lose money since there are many unpredictable market conditions that the authors of the program didn’t foresee. It is similar to a programmed computer “chess player” that usually loses when playing a professional human chess player.
However, a Forex trading Robot has one big advantage. A ROBOT NEVER GETS TIRED. It can "run" 24 hours a day. And, doesn’t "gamble." And doesn't get emotional. Never gets excited when it makes big trades, or annoyed when it makes small trades or loses! With a good system, let the Robot do the "manual" work.
Systems that always make money – regardless the ups and downs of currencies, conditions and market fluctuations, are called "Holy Grails." Easy to fantasize about, hard to get one that in fact does this and brings you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. So don't be misled by all the "hype" you hear. Most systems are not Holy Grails and for even the trader with great experience and finesse, there is always lurking the “risk factor!”
Look at the proof !!!


I will show you the "ECN FX Robot" performance with different Brokers and Settings.
Sometimes you can get hundreds of trades a day, sometimes just a dozen, or only a few per day. However, as long as on the average you can get more positive than negative trades in the long run, you will be on the winning side. Just a matter of finding right brokers and parameters.

Want to know more click here !!!!!

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